Showing posts with label writing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label writing. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Writing Home: Reflection Papers and Journaling to Deepen Your Music

Charles Rosen, Frontiers of Meaning
N ow I’m supposed to write a paper reflecting on my playing and my learning process, which in turn are reflections of my literacy and adherence [or not] to the assignments. If I have to write this reflection paper of my reflecting on my reflections, I will ... do badness to something or someone. I have no idea what to write.”
  —  Anonymous.
If you’re in school, then chances are your assignments include writing one or more ‘reflection papers’ this semester. The task of writing an essay on your own experiences and applications and first-hand gleanings forces you to collect and distill and categorize: you critically evaluate your experiences and place them into context; the narrative form forces you to write about your own impressions and explain the context into which they fit. Quelle horreur!

Reflection papers aren’t a pedagogical punishment. Throughout your career, you can and should invest in improving your musicianship through regular journaling. This is in addition to whatever other activities you engage in for performance, composing, producing, engineering, arts marketing, artist management, presenting, teaching, listening—whatever you do musically. Writing ‘reflection papers’ is just one way for you to harvest and preserve the experiential learning that you do in those other activities. It’s a way to connect the work with the learning.

Why journal? (Why blog?) Mostly to keep yourself learning and growing, and to force yourself to clarify your thinking and revisit and retest your convictions—especially ones that may never’ve been fully thought-through in the first place. Consider it as a dimension of your training, just like practicing on your instrument(s)—it keeps your mind from getting old or rusty or atrophied. Use it or lose it!

W    hen I don’t practice for one day, my fingers know it; for two days, my friends know it; for three days, and the whole world knows it.”
  —  Ignacy Paderewski.
Journaling is about the shape and meaning we assign to our experiences. Our stories are about who we are, where we’ve come from, and where we think we’re headed and why. What you want to do is get ideas and explore ideas. You want to assemble evidence and counter-evidence, and critique the quality and strength of both.

How to go about it? I think it helps to have at least one or two examples as ‘benchmarks’ to serve as guides and reminders of the writing qualities you admire. For me, the epitome of writing that is at once erudite, elegant, and entertaining is pianist Charles Rosen. His little 1994 book ‘Frontiers of Meaning’ is, for me, iconic. Kyle Gann’s ‘Music Downtown’, emblematic of journalistic bravery. Alex Ross’s ‘The Rest Is Noise’ has a different tenor but serves to remind me of how wide our palette can be. Arnold Steinhardt’s ‘Indivisible by Four’, reminds me of grandfatherly patience and generosity in the life lived and the life written-about. You don’t have to write books as they have done. But our own writing will be better if we look frequently at how our favorite authors write.

The best book I know that specifically covers journaling and reflection papers as a practice for working artists is Buck’s. If you’re looking for practical guidance on how to go about writing a reflection paper (whether for your class assignment, or independently for your own professional growth), I recommend you pick up a copy. Check out the other books below, too.

Ultimately, critical analysis and interpretation aren’t detached acts; not value-neutral reportage. No, as a kind of psychological counterpart to Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle in physics, the acts of observing and journaling change the things you are observing and their relationships to each other. The personal change is the source of the value in writing reflection papers: the change enables further growth in your playing or composing or listening. Paradoxically, the infinite regress that Anonymous complained about above is actually the whole point of the exercise. Rather than ending in confusion, the process makes you figure things out; makes you figure out how you figured them out; makes you figure out how ‘figuring out’ works. A different dimension of professional practice. A different kind of rehearsal. Quelle horreur!

O  ur doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing to attempt.”
  —  William Shakespeare.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Opposing Throw-away Culture: Future of Program Notes

Fawcett-Tang, Experimental Formats
I wish program notes could be more like:
  • the ‘extras’ that we get on DVD videos, with panel discussions and out-takes, trailers, rehearsal miscellany, biographical and historical documentary collateral;
  • liner notes in CD and MP3 albums—less expository than conventional program notes and more expansive;
  • art exhibit catalogues—nice coffee-table books, objets d’art in their own right and iconic souvenirs that we treasure and display in our houses/apartments.
Program notes form the core of many classical music presenters’ marketing materials. But most printed literature today is disposable: today’s hot communication document is tomorrow’s landfill. Presenters and their donors and the authors of program notes devote huge amounts of time and money to make their material as informative and attractive as it can be. But many audience members treat it as though it were a cheap gew-gaw to divert them from their abject boredom while waiting for the performance to begin. They discard it after the performance, pitch it out without a second thought. This is really, really unfortunate.

The best programs should have a permanence and organic completeness that counters the ephemeral, and increasingly electronic, world of instant communications. A presenter’s program book should embody the best of contemporary printed literature or multimedia design. And I think it should drive the same kinds of revenue and cross-merchandising opportunities that, say, exhibit catalogues provide to museums and art galleries. It shouldn’t be a ‘throw-away’. It shouldn’t be so chock-full of advertising that it can’t function as a coffee-table book or iconic catalogue.

What we need are new formats, new and changing formats and new media—multi-media program note formats that offer the content that we are used to receiving but that also offer critical surveys of current work by leading practitioners from the U.S., Europe and Asia. Arranged performer-by-performer, composer-by-composer and accompanied by interviews, the kinds of new media program notes formats I wish for would offer a more complete and informative picture of the presenter’s programs, artists, and subjects—a more extensive invitation to the readers’ own further thoughts and enjoyment.

What we need, too, are new styles of writing and new, unconventional tone. The tone should be generous. The essays should not try to score ‘points’ (in the way, for example, that Richard Taruskin’s and Bernard Holland’s writing sometimes tries to do). The style should be engaged and engaging, not pedantic.

One of the champions of such writing is composer Robert Kirzinger, who is publications associate and author of program notes for the Boston Symphony Orchestra. By concentrating on the overlooked, and by transforming and manipulating his texts-as-objects into works of art in their own right, Kirzinger both subverts their nominal function and challenges existing systems of classification and modes of discourse. Playful, often fantastic, his work reveals an acute intelligence alloyed to an irreverent and mischievous sense of humor. His are not ordinary program notes or liner notes, to be read and discarded. They are painterly essays filled with exciting imagery. They are adventure stories filled with the suspense of exploration. They are letter-like program notes that have an intimacy, and are written in a conversational style as if to a friend or a family member.

Handsomely illustrated, Kirzinger’s writing is straightforward, readable, and agreeably jargon-free. He can be didactic without being pedantic. Full, traditionally-placed footnotes and URL links make it easy for the reader to pursue particular topics. His critical judgments are often less ‘ends’ in themselves than jumping off points for explorations of particularly vexing problems in composing and performance practice. And, more to the point, general readers, who have perhaps had simplistic ideas of the scope of the music or the composers or the performers, will find themselves reconsidering and re-reading Kirzinger’s program notes. These are not Alex Ross or John Rockwell journalistic essays conglomerated into a book-of-days. These are art objects that have a certain timelessness. They read like Natural History.

Listening cannot be hurried: you have to allow enough time for it. You have to ask yourself how the piece is put together, how it is like other pieces you know and how it is different, and how it fits into the traditions you are familiar with, the works that you enjoy. Kirzinger writes in such a way that readers are not rushed or coerced. Instead, readers are tantalized as well as reassured of the legitimacy of their own independent ideas.

Good program note authors remember that the music itself is more important than all the talk about it, even what is said by esteemed experts. They try not to approach a piece through the fog of what others have said about it, for much of what’s said and written about music can be misleading until you experience the music itself. Good program note authors write without displaying their egos much. Cases in point are Kirzinger’s program notes for Wes Matthews’s ‘Terraces’ (Minnesota Orchestra Composer Institute, 20-27 OCT-2007) or his liner notes [1MB pdf] for Eric Chasalow’s ‘Left to His Own Devices’ CD, an homage to composer Milton Babbitt. Plenty of ‘light’ with no gratuitous ‘heat’ or ’tude.

T aruskin’s points are eminently worth making—but they’re drowned out by the irresistible lure of the lapidary put-down.”
  —  Matthew Guerrieri.

S  tarry-eyed critics of the 1930s and ’40s predicted that by 2007 we would be singing Schoenberg’s ‘Moses und Aron’ in the shower. Most of us still lean toward ‘Embraceable You.’ I hope it is not unreasonable to suggest that composers, not listeners, are the servants here, and that every new opera or orchestral piece they write should be brought in on a tray with hopes that it has something substantial to say that we can like. When Haydn worked for the Esterhazys, he wore a uniform. That’s not a bad idea for our premiere-givers too. They can also tend bar at intermission. How do I prepare for premieres? I read about the people and the circumstances, where the piece came from and what the composer eats for breakfast. If I have a score, I look at the orchestration. It’s nice to know how many crayons are in the composer’s coloring box. I don’t listen to anything [recordings of the composer’s or artist’s work, before attending the performance]. Surprise me.”
  —  Bernard Holland, New York Times, 04-NOV-2007.

A proper note should follow up on points made by the music, the performers, the composers, and their lives and times. Often, music is influenced by or connected with political events of the day, by music of other composers, or other artists (painters, poets, authors). A good note may touch on such aspects of the music. Notes or reviews may discuss your impressions of the music as you listened, but should not lapse into a running commentary on how the music made you feel as you listened or what you did as a result of your internal feelings, nor should they be a medium for public ventilation of some private beef.

J  ust as some chefs excel at seafood and struggle to make a good porterhouse, musicians have strengths and weaknesses, which are often related to temperament, intellect and taste. The all-Brahms first half of pianist Markus Groh’s recital Friday had refinement and clarity of texture but was so stuffy and colorless that I went out onto 12th Street at intermission gasping for air.”
  —  Paul Horsley, Kansas City Star, 20-OCT-2007.

This review may be of use to arts journalism students, as an illustration to prove that images and sentences do not automatically add up to a real review or a real program note. In short, I wish more people who write classical music program notes and reviews would write in good faith and good humor, like Arthur Danto writes about art. If they did, their work would not end up thrown into a rubbish bin.

L et us consider a painting once described by that cheerful Dane, Sören Kierkegaard. It was a painting of the Israelites crossing the Red Sea. Looking at it, one sees something very different from what a painting with that subject would have led one to expect, were one to imagine, for example. what an artist like Poussin or Altdoerfer would have painted: troops of people, in various postures of panic, bearing the burdens of their dislocated lives, and in the distance the horsèd might of the Egyptian forces bearing down. Here, instead, was a square of red paint, the artist explaining that ‘The Israelites had already crossed over, and the Egyptians were drowned.’ Kierkegaard comments that the result of his life is like that painting. All the spiritual turmoil, the father cursing God on the heath, the rupture with Regina Olsen, the inner search for meaning, the sustained polemics of an agonized soul, meld in the end, as in the echoes of the Marabar Caves, into a mood, a single color. So next to Kierkegaard’s described painting let us place another, exactly like it, this one, let us suppose, by a Danish portraitist who, with immense psychological penetration, has produced a work called ‘Kierkegaard's Mood.’ And let us, in this vein, imagine a whole set of red rectangles, one next to the other. Beside these two and resembling each as much as they resemble one another (exactly), we shall place ‘Red Square,’ a clever bit of Moscow landscape. Our next work is a minimalist exemplar of geometrical art which, as it happens has the same title, ‘Red Square.’ Now comes ‘Nirvana.’ It is a metaphysical painting based on the Artist’s knowledge that the Nirvanic and Samsara orders are identical, and that the Samsara world is fondly called the Red Dust by its deprecators. Now we must have a still-life executed by an embittered disciple of Matisse, called ‘Red Table Cloth.’ We may allow the paint to be somewhat more thinly applied in this case. Our next object is not really an artwork, merely a canvas grounded in red lead, upon which, had he lived to execute it, Giorgione would have painted his unrealized masterwork, ‘Conversazione Sacra.’ It is a red surface which, though hardly an artwork, is not without art-historical interest, since Giorgione himself laid the ground on it. Finally, I shall place a surface painted, though not grounded, in red lead: a mere artifact I exhibit as something whose philosophical interest consists solely in the fact that it is not a work of art, and that its only art-historical interest is the fact that we are considering it at all: it is just a thing, with paint upon it. This completes my exhibition. The catalogue for it, which is in full color, is monotonous, since everything illustrated looks the same as everything else, even though the reproductions are of paintings that belong to such diverse genres as historical painting, psychological portraiture, landscape, geometrical abstraction, religious art, and still-life. It also contains pictures of something from the workshop of Giorgione, as well as of something that is a mere thing, with no pretense whatsoever to the exalted status of art... Meanwhile, I can only observe that, though J has produced a (pretty minimal) artwork, not to be told by naked inspection from a bare red expanse of paint, he has not yet made an artwork out of that bare red expanse. It remains what it always was, a stranger to the community of artworks, even though that community contains so many members indiscernible from it. So it was a nice but pointless gesture on J’s part: he has augmented my little collection of artworks while leaving unbreached the boundaries between them and the world of just things. This puzzles J as it puzzles me. It cannot be simply because J is an artist, for not everything touched by an artist turns into art. This leaves then only the option, now realized by J, of declaring that contested red expanse a work of art. Why not? Duchamp declared a snowshovel to be one, and it was one; a bottlerack to be one, and it was. I allow that J has much the same right, whereupon he declares the red expanse a work of art, carrying it triumphantly across the boundary as if he had rescued something rare. Now everything in my collection is a work of art, but nothing has been clarified as to what has been achieved. The nature of the boundary is philosophically dark, despite the success of J’s raid.”
  — Arthur Danto, Transfiguration of the Commonplace.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Eph Ehly: Averted Gaze, Fiction, and Pedagogical Method

F oremost, the conductor must be able to communicate and inspire.”
  — Eph Ehly, 1991.

Eph Ehly
CMT: I have recently been reading Eph Ehly’s memoir ‘Hogey’s Journey’. Dr. Ehly is Professor Emeritus at the Conservatory of Music, University of Missouri-Kansas City, where he taught for twenty-seven years. Dr. Ehly’s awards for outstanding musicianship include the Luther Spade Choral Director of the Year Award. He has studied and conducted in the Soviet Union, Poland, Germany, England Sweden, Denmark, France, Italy, Austria, Switzerland and Brazil. More than ninety doctoral and one hundred master’s students graduated under his supervision. He has conducted more than 600 Festival ensembles, and he guest-conducts in Carnegie Hall several times each year. He has conducted over 80 all-state choirs, and over 500 festival ensembles. And he studied with Jean Berger, Julius Hereford, Warner Imig, Louis Nicholas, Lynn Whitten and Vincent Persichetti, among others.

DSM: Ehly is a firm supporter of the solo voice, but this Hogey ‘novel’ is something of a departure from Ehly’s earlier emphasis on the uniqueness of the individual voice within an ensemble. This book is about family—family as a social unit; family as a context for discovering the meaning of ‘community’ and ‘self’; family as a context for expression. Artistic expression, that is, with each minuscule act construed as a work of art worthy of attentiveness. The life well-lived and worth living is not only an ‘examined’ life, according to Ehly. It is life lived deliberately, with aforethought. Ordinary life, lived as though the entirety of it were on-stage. You must prepare yourself for each downbeat.

CMT: Expressiveness isn’t always about ‘disclosure’, of course. There are masking and cloaking and sublimating aspects, as Ellen Harris addresses in her book on Handel’s Chamber Cantatas. And, likewise, there are passages of Ehly’s memoir where he is very circumspect—where discretion is nine-tenths of valor.

DSM: There’s a story about George Szell departing a pub after a happy-hour with Cleveland Orchestra members. “See you on the downbeat,” one of the players called out to him. Szell replied, “No, see you on the preparation!”

CMT: The essence of good conducting—and, in fact, the essence of effective synergy between members of a good chamber ensemble without a conductor—is to signal the speed and manner of the next notes you are going to play or sing. The downbeat is too late for cognitive processing and kinesthetic action. The key is the preparation, the anticipation—some tens to hundreds of milliseconds before the downbeat. The players or singers need to know what kind of energy they should use to begin a phrase. They need to accurately predict where the arc and emphasis of that phrase will be, and what resolution to it they will have to provide at its end. You have to have the mental image of that in your head at least one beat in advance, really. Ehly is, in ‘Hogey’s Journey’, asserting that that principle applies not only to musicianship but also to any life well-lived.

DSM: Ah, but orchestra members don’t watch a conductor’s face much. Not nearly as much as vocal ensembles do. And small ensembles’ members are able to catch only parts of the facial expressions of their colleagues in their peripheral vision, due to the practical realities of chair and music stand positions. So passionate facial expressions in general can’t have much impact in an orchestral or instrumental chamber ensemble. Concise and meaningful head and arm movements are essential.

CMT: So there’s no real difference between a good instrumental downbeat and a good vocal downbeat then?

DSM: No. There are idiosyncrasies that ‘work’ for some conductors, of course. And idiosyncratic signals that develop overtime in a chamber ensemble, too. But I think there’s no fundamental difference between the quality of a good instrumental downbeat and a good vocal downbeat.

CMT: But, for a choir, you coach and rehearse your singers to produce ritards and accelerandos at particular places in the music. Fermatas, too. By contrast, if you’re going to get a ritard or accelerando, you’re going to have to conduct it—or signal it to other members of your ensemble if you’re conductor-less.

DSM: Singers, who generally have scores that display all the vocal parts, tend not to scrupulously count measures of rests. They learn the music and come to know precisely when their next attack will be. But instrumental players see only their own parts, and they absolutely have to count bars, unless they have the entire piece memorized.

T o me, a lush carpet of pine needles or spongy grass is more welcome than the most luxurious Persian rug.”
  —  Helen Keller, quoted in Ehly, Hogey’s Journey, p. 4

CMT: Reading this memoir and taking note of the epigrams that he chooses to decorate it, we may think that Ehly is not looking for subtlety. He’s a pious person, but he’s also, I would say, a radical hedonist. No, really! He goes for dramatic range of expression; he abhors timidity. That’s fine. But I wonder about his interpretations of compositions that have all sorts of pent-up repression in them, or that have a deliberately constricted emotional range, composed that way to achieve a desired political effect—Shostakovich, for example. I know Ehly hates all ‘isms’, but I wonder whether he’s ever considered that his valorization of dramatic range is a kind of hedon-ism . . .

DSM: You’re saying Ehly’s rejection of categories or ‘isms’ is ironic? Sort of like following the maxim ‘All things in moderation’ [except moderation] is immoderate and therefore ironic?

E very waking moment is an adventure in living.”
  —  Eph Ehly, Hogey’s Journey.

CMT: Well, I think he is unquestionably a dear human being. And I doubt that the ironies go unnoticed. He’s just a bright teacher who prefers not to dwell excessively on ‘analysis’. He’s analytical to a point, but not beyond the point where analysis would interfere with art, would interfere with spontaneity. He’s clearly belovèd by his many students and by the choirs he has conducted. And it’s the force of his adventurousness and hedonism and drama that has endeared him to so many.
P eople who are ‘burned out’ have never been ‘on fire’ in the first place.”
  —  Eph Ehly, Hogey’s Journey.

DSM: But I think he may not have an adequate understanding of clinical depression. Or maybe some of his expressions are chosen for rhetorical effect, and don’t fully reflect the sensitivity that he does possess.

T heir performance may lack finesse and technique. Nonetheless, their songs have educational and spiritual merit. It’s this latter—rather than the former—that measures up to a kind of success that realizes a worthy ideal.”
  —  Eph Ehly, Hogey’s Journey.

T o encourage a student, Hogey usually called a poor performance okay. Something good became fantastic, something better was out-of-sight, unbelievable or sensational. Some call this hyperbole and think it foolish to exaggerate. Hogey believed in the power of exaggeration. Exaggeration is indicative of the power of one’s imagination. Exaggeration motivates.”
  — Eph Ehly, Hogey’s Journey.

CMT: I think that, as pedagogy goes, I prefer the harsh, scary masters I’ve had. Even as a child and young student, I thought that. So Ehly’s memoiristic writing that condones grade-inflation and institutionalized ‘affirmations’ bothers me. It bothers me even though I understand the teaching context, the context where he is recommending applying this technique.

DSM: He is, without saying so, addressing the deteriorated condition of the educational system and the erosion of truthfulness over the past thirty years or so. The majority of students arrive today ill-prepared—not technically, but socially ill-prepared. And, realist that Ehly is, he takes the protoplasm that arrives, recognizes the limitations as well as the strengths, and chooses this evangelistic path . . .

Y ears of experience taught him that you can lead a man to music but you can’t make him sing. Being able to merely sing the song guarantees neither an appreciation nor an understanding of it. Force-feeding doesn’t work any better on people than it does on horses. Persistence trains a horse better than coercion. A good teacher does not force-feed. A good teacher encourages thinking. Even though you can’t teach someone to be musical, you can teach one to think musically.”
  — Eph Ehly, Hogey’s Journey.

C onfusion is a state of learning.”
  — Eph Ehly, Hogey’s Journey.

G od knew what He was doing when He made fewer tenors. One tenor is worth five basses, ten altos and twenty sopranos.”
  — Eph Ehly, Hogey’s Journey.

CMT: Ehly’s ‘autobiography-cum-memoir-cum-novel’ is one of several such books recently—books by senior teachers at the college/conservatory level, books that are nominally ‘fiction’ but in fact are autobiographical and freely admitted to be such. James Jordan’s writing is like this, for example. And, hailing from non-musical fields, so too are the recent novels by Bill Leiss at University of Ottawa and Peter Pouncey, who used to teach Classics at Columbia University.

M usic-making is constructed of correct notes, correct rhythms, dynamics, and articulation. But the mortar of music is human trust (of self and others), belief in self and others, and love of self.”
  — James Jordan, Musician’s Soul.

DSM: Pouncey’s ‘Rules for Old Men Waiting’ is less a novel than a collection three inter-related short stories. The day-to-day story of the principal character’s dying frames the overall narrative. A second story is built around that character’s memories of Margaret, the wife he learned to love too late, and David, a long-dead son who died in the Vietnam war. A third story is the “novel within the novel” where the principal character, MacIver, enacts his self-imposed rule to finish a novel recounting an incident set in World War II. ‘Rules for Old Men Waiting’ also contains extended excerpts and epigrams, much like Ehly’s and Jordan’s and Leiss’s books do.

A  conductor does not ‘conduct’; he, by the nature of his being, causes people to sing. He evokes sounds that, hopefully, are reflective of each person’s individual life experiences ... Soulfulness is a hard thing to talk about and teach.”
  — James Jordan, Musician’s Soul.

M any musicians do not realize that they must make a conscious decision to ‘deepen’. They do not realize that they need to constantly work at making their lives deepen in order to arrive at and ponder the most important issues. Those issues are different for each one of us. But it is most often that these basic life issues are the ones that are expressed by composers in their music. If one has not made deepening journeys into oneself, then it is difficult if not impossible to recognize the journeys that are contained within the music.”
  — James Jordan, Musician’s Soul, p. 56.

O nly he who turns to the other human being and opens himself to him receives the world that is in him. Only the being whose otherness, accepted by my being, lives and faces me in the whole compression of existence and brings the radiance of eternity to me. Only when two say to one another with all that they are ‘It is Thou’ is the indwelling of Present Being between them.”
  — Martin Buber, quoted by James Jordan in Musician’s Soul, p. 69.

O ne cannot force oneself to love. But love presupposes understanding, and in order to understand, one must exert one’s self.”
  — Igor Stravinsky, quoted by James Jordan, Musician’s Soul, p. 107.

R emember that there is meaning beyond absurdity. Know that every deed counts, that every word is power. You must build your life as if it were a work of Art.”
  — Abraham Joshua Heschel, quoted in James Jordan, Musician’s Soul, p. 136.

CMT: Just as War is ‘the continuation of politics by other means’, these ‘novels’ constitute ‘biography by other means’. The large number of epigrams and the crystalline phrases that Ehly and Jordan put in their characters’ mouths—these remind me somewhat of the aphoristic writing of Elias Canetti.

DSM: The readership of each of these volumes may be quite broad. But we get the sense that the audience that Ehly—or Jordan, or Leiss, or Pouncey—had in mind when writing was actually the members of their immediate families. These are each in their own way meditations—meditations with averted gaze; meditations that are meant for others, but meant not to ‘preach’. Just as astronomers say that the best way to detect and observe faint objects in the night sky is by averting your gaze—by not focusing directly on the celestial object and instead apprehending it in your peripheral vision—so too these senior academics prefer to convey their recommendations obliquely. These are quasi-novels, not biographies. Distilled insights, ‘keys’, epigrams, proverbs. Rhetorically, they are like psalms—but not as elegant or lyrical.

H ide not thy face from me in the day when I am in trouble;
Incline thine ear unto me and, in the day when I call, answer me speedily
 for my days are consumed like smoke and my bones are burned as an hearth.
My heart is smitten and withered like grass, so that I forget to eat my bread.
By reason of the voice of my groaning, my bones cleave to my skin.
I am like a pelican of the wilderness; I am like an owl of the desert;
I watch, and am as a sparrow alone upon the housetop.”
  — Psalm 102

A ll my life I’ve struggled to be an honest musician—and now you want me to be a conductor.”
  — Paul Hindemith, quoted by James Jordan, Musician’s Walk, p. xxv.

T he purpose of Art is not the momentary release of adrenaline but is, rather, the gradual, lifelong construction of a state of wonder and serenity.”
  —  Glenn Gould, quoted in James Jordan, Musician’s Walk, p. 16.

T his deeper human value is compassion, a sense of caring and commitment. No matter what your religion, and whether you are a believer or a non-believer, without them you cannot be happy.”
  — Dalai Lama, quoted in James Jordan, Musician’s Walk, p. 69.

O r the waterfall or music heard so deeply
That is not heard at all, but you are the music
While the music lasts. These are only hints and guesses,
Hints followed by guesses; and the rest
Is prayer, observance, discipline, thought, action.
The hint half-guessed, the gift half-understood, is Incarnation.”
  — T.S. Eliot, Four Quartets 3: Dry Salvages (Selvages)

CMT: Ehly and the others all assert that a person’s life ideally shouldn’t move forward in a straight line. For Ehly, a linear, uncomplicated life would make your music superficial or short-sighted. Better that your life move in loops and spirals.

DSM: Hmmm. Well, how then to explain the profound musicianship and deep understanding of some child prodigies? . . . Kids who have not yet acquired the scars of life. I do agree, though: conflicts and setbacks and mistakes and suffering are opportunities for reflection and growth, deepening our understandings and our humanity. If we successfully surmount them, they can inform our musicianship with dimensions that we might not have known or appreciated before, which in turn enables us to express new things and communicate with others in society who might previously have been outside our kenning.

CMT: Ehly has an anti-competition, anti-ambition streak in this book—a valorizing of thrown-ness and chance. He glorifies the little things; inconsequential moments with small children become profound. To those who know him, that is maybe not a surprise. But considering his esteemed position in choral pedagogy and conducting, it’s a bit surprising to me . . .

DSM: In performance, many musicians are focused primarily on themselves. But the best ensembles are comprised of musicians who acknowledge the worth of ‘ensemble’—acknowledge that the group must be vibrant, not just individuals within it. The Church likes to talk about the ensoulment of an individual. Well, there is such a thing as the ‘ensoulment’ of an ensemble. This is at the heart of the satisfaction that comes in ensemble performance. It’s a radical creativity and a transcendent wonder, rare in any human life—something that, for normal people, otherwise tends to occur only with childbirth or between people falling in love. Unusual, unless you’re a mystic or a psychotic.

CMT: There’s a heightened awareness of self and others that’s necessary for creating value through music. ‘Necessary’ for authenticity but not sufficient for it. Performance situations are naturally evocative of heightened awareness: you are presenting yourself in a public space, after all. But, regrettably, many of us live our musical lives—and day-to-day lives—without being fully awake, without such awareness. We lack an inner radiance. There is that Zen-like or mystical aspect to what Ehly—and Leiss, and Pouncey, and Jordan—are saying in their memoir-like writings. The novelistic attention to small things, to everyday life, to all persons regardless of their credentials or stature, and to the phenomena of childhood—this is just a way to assert the importance of awareness of self and others. This is ‘musicianship-as-community’.

DSM: What else? Ehly is moved by tragedy—it shows up as a plot element in several parts of ‘Hogey’s Journey’. Jordan is also moved by tragedy—specifically, the 9/11 attacks and a story of two strangers who jumped from the tower at the same moment and, as they fell to their deaths, were seen holding hands. Ehly is moved by tragedies that unfolded in his family. Leiss, likewise. Their motivation in writing is mainly to promote an understanding of deeper human value, a value for them that has been calibrated by the tragic and by the joyous.

CMT: The genuineness of these teachers as human beings, and the profound ‘goodness’ of their authorly motivations, are enough to cause us to overlook the rough edges and faults of their ‘first-novel’ writing craftsmanship and focus instead on what they are saying. In the instance of each one, I do wish that each would find a good biographer to engage in a series of interviews, and capture more of what they have to say in a normal ‘biography’ format. Tracy Kidder is the ‘icon’ for the type of inspired biographer I have in mind.

Conductors’ Benediction, in 4