I am shamelessly stealing a Post Title from The Trad. Well, borrowing actually...and it certainly is not the type of belt Tin-Tin would describe. Here we see the USBA Championship belt carried by the Title holder/Champ last evening at Bally's in Atlantic City.
After a long week toiling in the trenches of the Law, the Sportsman decided it was time for a Sportsman's day. So, I bugged out of the office early yesterday and picked up my faithful buddy and fellow Sportsman, Linc. We headed to Germantown Cricket Club for lunch and an afternoon of tennis and some gym time. Then we lazed by the pool until 5 p.m. and hopped in Linc's limo at 6:30 for a rolling Happy Hour on the way to A.C. The comestibles featured Mount Gay Extra Old on the rocks with a squeeze of Lime, Corona's and a huge bag of cashews. The fights were presented by my good friend and famous Hall of Fame boxing promoter,Russell Peltz of Peltz Boxing. It was a good card and each fight was more exciting than the last. I was lucky enough to get a picture with garret "the ultimate warrier" Wilson the Cruiserweight Champ who was carrying his USBA belt in a special custom suitcase.
We then hit the Craps tables for a few rolls of the bones and headed back to the Main Line with White House Hoagies on board.
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