Busy day/week here in the trenches of Law Practice and Boxing Management in the Quaker City. It dawned on me that vacation is still 3 1/2 months away. I would certainly like to be on my boat on Upper Saranac Lake enjoying sunset cocktails right about now. Too bad this photo will have to suffice.
My wife and 2 daughters are in Vero Beach Fla. visiting my Mother-in-Law for their Spring Break. My Son opted to stay home with me due to Lacrosse practice and the off chance that I would take him to a Flyer's Playoff game. His gamble cashed in as he and I are attending game 5 of the now ugly Flyers v. Sabres series tomorrow night.
Earlier in the week we went to Germantown Cricket and played several games of Squash and had dinner. That was a great Father-Son evening!
For now imagining the waters of Upper Saranac lapping against the hull,the sharp quinine and lime taste of Meyers's Rum and Tonic and the contrast of crisp white canvas shorts against my Wife's legs which have been tanned by the Adirondack Sun.
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