Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Pivotal Moments

There were long discussions around the Sportman's home last evening. My Daughter is in the enviable yet stress-laden position of having to choose which College to attend next year. She has been accepted at some excellent schools and is having a hard time making the selection. As her Father, I endeavour to offer useful advice. I hope I am being helpful and providing meaningful guidance based on my experience and knowledge.
For many high school seniors this is one of the first really important and difficult choices they make in the transition from kid to adult. Liz is certainly cognizant of the gravity of the choice and is trying to approach the decision intelligently.
All of this led me to think back on some pivotal events in my own life.
Two of these events are pictured here. The first is the day I met U.S. Supreme Court Justice William Brennan. This photo was taken in his Chambers on a day we visited him and attended Court and saw Lawrence Tribe argue the Pennzoil v. Texaco case. One of my best friends from Lehigh is Brennan's Great-Nephew and that is how the visit was arranged. Meeting this brilliant Jurist cemented my desire to attend Law School and pursue a career as a Lawyer.
The second photo is the moment I was instructed to "kiss the bride" at my wedding. My wife and I had been dating since high school, but in this captured moment, it was now official. Marrying this wonderful lady was one of the best things to have happened in my life.
Pivotal moments and events that shape and dictate our futures; we often see them coming and recognize them as they happen.Sometimes we do not. My daughter is experiencing a pivotal event presently and I fervently wish the result for her is as postive as as these moments were for me.

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