Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Teal Tuesday

Reports from Delaware were that Teal had flown in one the front. The early Teal season can be a real treat...hunting a fast flying,hard shooting,good eating duck...and it's about 65 degrees when you hit the Blind just before Sunrise...a stark contrast to the frigid, finger- numbing temps we encounter on a harsh January morning when we are chasing Mallards and Black Ducks.
Based on this report, I cleared the decks( ie. told my Associate to cover my morning Court appearance) and headed to the hunting Club Monday night.
6:12 A.M. found me and my hunting buddy Ned in the Point Blind with an early season appropriate spread of just about 7 decoys. At first light we were buzzed by every Wood Duck in Kent County..they were pitching in and swimming around our decoys all morning...of course Woodies are not legal during the Teal Season.
Meanwhile, down river at Murray's Point Blind...Charlie and his pal from Chicago, got some shooting and harvested a few tasty Teal.
At the mid-morning bell we picked up the decoys, threw a few dummies for Ned's new dog...Drum... a delightful 14 month old Black Lab with a sweet disposition and a ton of potential as a Waterfowl Dog.
We then headed north to Helen's Famous Sausage House. I had heard of Helen's from a few First State Bloggers: Lucky Dog Life and the Silent- Since-May Brian of De. Blue Blazer. I also think it was mentioned during some Food Network Show....plus the manager of the Auto Shop down the road from the Club got teary eyed and salivated when I asked about Helen's.
Helen's is a gem of a joint; a little shack on Rt. 13 north of Smyrna. The "dining area" is peppered with cheap Elvis prints and some of his 45's tacked to the wall. The real magic is what they sling over the tiny counter. They make their own sausage in house and serve it on a soft long roll with cheese and a fried egg. I scored the "Hunter's Special" which includes the above, plus an oval Hash Brown Patty to compliment the spiced ground swineflesh and pre-fetal chicken. As the duck hunter's gobbled and grunted over these cylindrical breakfast sandwiches, each made a mental note that this joint was now written in ink on the pre-hunt or post hunt gastro-line-up. Helen's even opens at 4 A.M. to accomodate the hunters. If you find yourself in Kent County pull the truck in the lot and order up a delight.

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