A way of describing the difference is that the [geometric bore profile of the—] American instrument produces a ‘circular’ tone with a lot of brilliance, while the German trumpet [bore profile is—] a more ‘oval’ one: the German tone is ‘wider’ and less brilliant... In Scandinavia we have mostly made use of the American trumpet. Its brilliance is part of the so-called Scandinavian sound.”
— Tine Thing Helseth, interview in MIC Norsk musikkinformasjon, APR-2009.
T he Norwegian trumpeter Tine Thing Helseth does miraculous things. I especially admire her treatment of Johann Baptist Neruda’s concerto—which Tine manages in a way that is both elegant and viceral. Her playing of all of the brass war-horses is wonderful, but this Neruda piece for her especially epitomizes the concept of ‘circular’ tone.

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