B esides his composerly skill, Rzewski is—] a granitically overpowering piano technician, capable of depositing huge boulders of sonoristic material across the keyboard without actually wrecking the instrument.”
— Nicolas Slonimsky, Baker’s Biographical Dictionary of Musicians.
T hose who have been criticizing contemporary music for lacking true melodic lines, may be consoled to learn that some composers now are very much concerned with melody. I don’t mean that they are writing romantic melodies, or popular melodies, or any other familiar kind of melodies, but they are certainly writing melodies. I heard two very good new pieces of this sort last week. One was Frederic Rzewski’s ‘Coming Together’.”
— Tom Johnson, Village Voice, 13-APR-1972.
T he piano music of Frederic Rzewski kept me company during the wee hours this morning.
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