D on Quixote,’ Menard explains, ‘interests me profoundly, but it does not seem to me to have been—how shall I say it?—inevitable. I cannot imagine the universe without the interjection of Edgar Allen Poe’s ‘Ah, bear in mind this garden was enchanted!’ or without the ‘Bateau ivre’ or the ‘Ancient Mariner’, but I know that I am capable of imagining the universe without ‘Don Quixote’... ‘Don Quixote’ is an accidental book; it is ‘unnecessary’. I can premeditate writing, I can write it, without incurring a tautology... My memory of Cervantes’s ‘Don Quixote’, simplified by forgetfulness and indifference, is much the same as the imprecise, anterior image of a book not yet written. Once this image has been postulated, my problems are undeniably considerably more difficult than those which Cervantes faced. My precursor did not refuse the collaboration of fate: he went along composing his immortal work a little ‘a la diáble’, swept along by inertias of language and invention. I, on the other hand, have contracted the mysterious duty of reconstructing his spontaneous work. My game is governed by two polar laws. The first permits me to attempt variants of a formal and psychological nature. The second obliges me to sacrifice them to the ‘original’ text and irrefutably to rationalize this annihilation. In spite of these obstacles, the ‘Don Quixote’ of Menard [Savall] is more subtle than the one by Cervantes. The latter indulges in a rather coarse opposition between tales of knighthood and the meager, provincial reality of his country; Menard [Savall] chooses as reality the land of Carmen during the century of Lepanto and Lope.”
— Jorge Luis Borges, ‘Pierre Menard, Author of Don Quixote’.
Romances y Músicas de Don Quijote’—performed Friday night by Jordi Savall and Hespèrion XXI with F. Murray Abraham in Kansas City at the
Friends of Chamber Music Early Music Series—includes ballads, songs, madrigals and other musical forms quoted and mentioned by the various characters or otherwise described at various points in Cervantes’s book. Each is matched with its corresponding passage from the Quixote text. The majority of the ballads and songs are ones that were preserved in songbooks, and treatises of the period but, in all those cases in which there is no extant documentary record of the music to which the poems were sung, Savall uses a ‘contrafactum’ approach—widely used in Cervantes’s time—selecting melodies of the period that closely match the mood and metre of the poems. All the musical pieces are integrated with the narrative, as recited by F. Murray Abraham, and performed according to the indications given in the novel.
What does it mean to provide narrative history under the sign of Cervantes? It cannot mean to speak from within a reanimated 16
th-Century society with the voice of Cervantes—remember Borges’s Pierre Menard story about the inauthenticity of attempting to write ‘Don Quixote’ as if one were Cervantes. It must instead mean to speak as oneself, as an historically-informed musician/actor, using period instruments and period text, but from one’s own contemporary vantage point.
And that is precisely what Jordi Savall and Hespèrion XXI and F. Murray Abraham gave to us. There was a constant interplay between an ‘addressive’ mode and a ‘performative’ mode—from narratives about the self and others, to narratives to the self and to others. The mimetic, performative acts of the artists called for corresponding mimetic, performative acts by the audience members. At several points during the performance, Abraham and Savall extemporaneously addressed a young girl in the front row of the audience with her mother, who responded appreciatively. Abraham descends the 1-meter stairs—from the stage set up for the performers in front of the altar, to the floor of the church—and strolls down the aisle into the audience, and then bounds back up on-stage. On several occasions, he emerges from behind the harp and tenor viola da gamba, wending his way to center-stage as he delivers his peripatetic Quixotic recitation. In other words, this is a participatory, improvisatory production, not a recital/reading passively received. Musicians and actor-reader proposing, exposing the Self… selves, patterned after or assimilating qualities and stances of the characters created by Cervantes. Life into story, story into life.

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