T o be hopeful in bad times is not just foolishly romantic. It is based on the fact that human history is a history, not only of cruelty, but also of compassion, sacrifice, courage, kindness. And if we do act—in however small a way—we don’t have to wait for some grand utopian future. The future is an infinite succession of ‘presents’, and to live now—as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us—is itself a marvelous victory.”
— Howard Zinn, The Optimism of Uncertainty, The Nation, 02-SEP-2004
CMT: Look at this! The fourth movement of Schubert’s Sonata No. 21 in B-flat. This polyphonic pattern has the fixed position distributed to a double-note and the playing voice distributed to the other three fingers as a melodic figure. It transforms into a delicate and ethereal texture.
DSM: And look back in the first movement. Schubert’s Romanticism here is a harmonic proposition: the entire theme is played out over a dominant prolongation. And his Romanticism is also a motivic proposition: the portato notes (portato, notes against resistance, caressing notes) headed always for the dissonance/resolution. The portato is played by sounding the note for about half of the note's duration; the other half of the duration is to be treated as a rest. A portato is notated by placing a slur above the desired notes which themselves are written with "staccato" markings. The musical heaves and sighs (the crescendos and descrescendos) contribute to this . . .
CMT: The ongoing crescendo meets an “accident” of a portato. And, in place of B-flat major diatonic tones, we get the “accidental” E-natural in bar 11 and 37 (bars 136 and 162 on the repeat). Except that the “mistake” is really beautiful. It’s no kind of accident at all, in the normal sense. It’s a wayward deviation from the sunny path. Comical almost, in the way that an infant can be comical. It’s not a self-conscious E-natural against the F. The E-natural is just straying from the trail a little bit. It doesn’t threaten; it doesn’t demand attention. It’s just a sweet little E-natural on a leash.
DSM: Let’s rip an MP3 sample of it and edit the MP3 sample in
MPtrimPRO. MPtrimPRO has a feature that lets you easily and accurately set the ‘begin’ and ‘end’ frame for creating your MP3 clip by using the position of the piece in
WinAmp. You pause WinAmp where you want to set the ‘beginning’ of your clip, and then you go to MPtrimPRO (the ‘How much do you want to trim?’ form) and click on the ‘W’ in the ‘begin’ part of the form. Then you fast-forward in WinAmp to where you want to set the ‘end’ of your clip, and go to MPtrimPRO and click on the other ‘W’ in the ‘end’ part of the form. If you want to check to make sure that you set the frame the way you want it, just click on the play-arrow in the MPtrimPRO form and listen to the frame, delimited according to the settings you just created. If you need to adjust the settings you can do it from MPtrimPRO directly (using the time form controls) or from WinAmp. It’s possible to make nice MP3 illustrations for teaching or other purposes pretty easily in this way, taking advantage of the interoperability between MPtrimPRO and WinAmp. Here’s a clip of the bars we were just talking about:
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