Wednesday, January 4, 2012

From Warrior (Letter 12)

Warrior - Serving 14 years for kidnapping and aggravated assault. Half Hispanic and Scottish-Irish with family still in Mexico. Brought up by a family steeped in drug commerce. He writes some of the best prison-fight stories on the Internet.

I’m on a Level 3 yard now, dorms and stuff. It’s fast-paced, always fights popping off, reminds me of my old neighborhood. The irony I find is that the lower the custody level, the more freedom, but the pace is faster as though we are preparing for freedom.

I’ve realized two major realities: you learn who really cares about you when you are in prison or sick. There’s no rest in prison for the weary, old or sick. In here, predators are constantly looking for prey, and those who were once prey are trying to become predators. Given that I’m ill and have lost weight, I’m in a weaker spot than I’m accustomed to. Fortunately, even though I lack strength and size now, I’ve got skills and technique to put a predator on his ass. I already had to knock two predators down, and I had to do it quick, too. Can’t let the rest of the predators smell or recognise the wounded or ill in me.

Click here for Warrior's previous blog about an undiscovered dead body of a prisoner.

Links to more prison stories by Warrior:
Warrior v Big E.
Rapist on the Yard
Bucket of Blood
Central Unit

Shaun Attwood

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