I write often about shooting and the various hunting outings which take up a goodly amount of my liesure time. One of the crucial facets of any Sporting pursuit in the field is gun safety. As my buddy Charlie used to say: "The best safety feature on any gun is a careful shooter."
To wit, I offer some photos of the pre-shoot safety meeting before our Club Tower Shoot last Saturday. These shoots involve 25 guns and some fast and challenging wing shooting. It is absolutely necessary that each gun know what is expected regarding field etiquette and safety. Since I have been pressed into service as the President of the Club, I organize a mandatory pre-shoot safety meeting before every shoot. This entails reading from a pre-printed card of regulations and a short speech about safe gunning and looking out for the dogs. For instance, "low bird is NO bird" since it could endager one of our fine retrievers.
I have told guests bluntly that if they screw up and shoot my dog, the next shot they hear will be from my gun putting a barrel of # 6 high brass pellets in their ass. This drives the point home farily well. Even the most experienced guns can benefit from taking the minutes required to go over the rules and the requirements to shoot safely in this format. I am proud to say we had a safe and enjoyable shoot.
The other shot is of some of the young Sportsmen availing themselves of the post Shoot buffet which included pulled pork, ribs, red beans and rice, collared greens, kielbasa,cole slaw and cornbread. This delicious spread was demolished in short order by a crew of hungry shooters.
For the most part, the guns are put away awaiting next season....I will try and shoot some trap and skeet thru March and April but once it gets hot that's it. Bring on Steeplechase Season!
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