I believe it should be permissible to summarily execute convenience store clerks who jabber away on cell phones when one is trying to complete a transaction and pay for gas, beef jerky,chapstick, a snickers bar or a newspaper. Well, perhaps execution is a bit harsh. What about customer administered corporal punishment? Certainly the cute little lass in this photo would get a reprieve. I cannot however, condone a stay of sentence for the babbling jackass at the Sunoco in the East Falls section of Philadelphia yesterday.
I was standing there waiting to pay for gas while this garrulous twit happily spewed his gibberish into his cell phone while several customers, myself included, waited to pay for our goods and services and be about our business. Clearly the owner or other supervisory personel were absent or this pathetic act of customer neglect would not have been tolerated or continued...at least that is what we hope.
I had filled my car in order to make a trip to a Court appearance in Lancaster,PA. With the vagaries of Southeastern PA traffic, that trip can take an hour and fifteen or two hours. The last thing I needed was to stand at a counter staring through plexiglass waiting for this G.E.D class drop-out to finish his important discussion about which flavor Hot -Pocket he consumed for lunch or whether he was going to "get wit" his girl that evening.
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