Tabula recompositoria: Amending/Improving Compositions Resembles Software ‘Refactoring’
W hile composers were [in earlier Centuries] certainly able to work out music in their minds without recourse to writing, at some point the music had to assume a graphic form so that it could be preserved, transmitted, and performed. The evidence suggests that composers employed two different kinds of surfaces for writing down their music: (1) an ‘erasable tablet’ such as a slate that could be used many times and (2) paper. In the period [1450-1600 C.E.] we are considering, the pencil had not yet been invented, so writing on paper meant using pen and ink. Erasure could only be achieved by scraping the ink from the surface of the paper, often resulting in holes in the paper. Paper was therefore a ‘write-once’ medium. Despite the differences in the properties of the two kinds of writing surfaces, composers seem to have used them both in much the same way for all the written stages of a composition, from the earliest sketches to the final version.”
— Jessie Ann Owens, p. 74.

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