T o remember something is to ‘remake’ it in [one’s own preferred] image.”
— Christian Jouhaud, Directeur de recherche au CNRS Centre de Recherches Historiques, ‘Anxieties of Genre’.
I would like to take you into the history of seventeenth-century France through a narrow door—a door that is not only narrow but hidden. Why should we struggle to squeeze through this passage? Well, there are at least two reasons. First, it is an attempt to experience a disorienting perspective on a landscape that we believe we already know completely; and second, the narrowness of the path underlines its particularity and in that way elicits a comparison with other paths elsewhere. This narrow passage is a text, perhaps an insignificant one, written by a seventeenth-century author. After making a few observations concerning its mechanics, I will use this text as a model to interpret something else, to understand it as something that stimulates thinking about historiographical hypotheses: as a convenient tool to shake up the political history of seventeenth-century France. In other words, I propose to utilize literature as a hidden door in order to enter the arena of political history, where we usually do not find any door at all. Deux histoires en une, or Two Stories in One, is a brief text by Jean-Louis Guez de Balzac, a work of uncertain status...”
— Christian Jouhaud, Two Stories in One.
In response to commenters on previous CMT posts about Baroque keyboard performance practice, I want simply to recommend the recent writings of Christian Jouhaud at the CNRS in Paris. While his books and journal articles do not directly address historically-informed musical performance per se, they do I think offer a useful and relevant perspective as concerns historical authenticity and integration of various types and qualities of evidence in a manner that does not foreclose interpretive options and multi-vocal discourse.
Consider Stephen Gutman’s recordings of Rameau and, in particular, his rendering of
mordents and other ornaments.

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